When a dog exhibits abnormal or unwanted behavior:
1. rule out potential medical reasons
2. assess safety: is there a risk for the dog or others?
3. seek professional help ASAP
Many problem behaviors can be prevented through socialization and improved through training.
We recommend force-free training. It is the most effective and humane way to address problem behavior. Force free training uses rewards such as food or play to reinforce desirable behaviors.
Avoid the use of punishment and tools such as shock or chain collars. Aversives in training can increase fear and aggression, and damage the dog-human relationship. These tools can pose safety risks for dogs and their caretakers, and negatively impact dog welfare.

When dogs have behavior problems, it can make it hard for them to get adopted or stay in their homes. When we understand WHY dogs do certain behaviors, we can treat and reduce problems.
Winslow, T., Payne, S.W. & Massoudi, K.A. (2018). Functional analysis and treatment of problem behavior in 3 animal shelter dogs. J. Vet Behav., 26, 27-37/
interventions Library
Bare bones – If you only have a few minutes for the basics
SNACKS – If you want to learn more
Moving Beyond "Leader of the Pack"
Overcoming Your Dog’s Fear of Everyday Objects
AVSAB Dominance Position Statement
AVSAB Humane Dog Training Position Statement
Behavior Problem Solving
Food Aggression: Ben Guards the Food Bowl
Preventing and Alleviating Anxieties 101
Kibble – If you want to take a deep dive into the science
Mortality Resulting From Undesirable Behaviours in Dogs Aged Three Years and Under Attending Primary-Care Veterinary Practices in Australia
Training Engagement and the Development of Behavior Problems in the Dog: A Longitudinal Study
Using Principles From Applied Behaviour Analysis to Address an Undesired Behaviour: Functional Analysis and Treatment of Jumping Up in Companion Dogs
Survey of the Use and Outcome of Confrontational and Non-Confrontational Training Methods in Client-Owned Dogs Showing Undesired Behaviors
2015 AAHA Canine and Feline Behavior Management Guidelines
The Relationship Between Training Methods and the Occurrence of Behavior Problems, as Reported By Owners, in a Population of Domestic Dogs
Additional Resources to Support Dogs in Other Environments
Dogs living in shelter or rescue kennels face challenges specific to their living environments. Practical applications for their management and care may also differ. Additional resources for their caretakers, including those caring for dogs in home-based foster systems or rescue networks, are provided to support efforts to improve, maintain, and protect their welfare.
Dogs living in homes as family pets face challenges specific to their living environments. Practical applications for their management and care may also differ. Additional resources for their caretakers, support the human-animal bond, keep pets in their homes, and improve, maintain, and protect their welfare.
Research & Teaching
Dogs living in research or teaching kennels face challenges specific to their living environments. Practical applications for their management and care may also differ. Additional resources for their caretakers are provided to support efforts to improve, maintain, and protect their welfare.
Applications for Research & Teaching
Applications for Pet Families
Eight Tips to Help Fearful Dogs Feel Safe
Todd, Z. (2018). Eight Tips to Help Fearful Dogs Feel Safe. Companion Animal Psychology. Retrieved June 24, 2023, from
Reactive Dog Behavior
Miller, P. (2022, December 1). Reactive behavior in dogs. Whole Dog Journal. Retrieved January 2, 2023, from
How to Train Your Dog Not to Bark: Episode 1 - Barking at Noises
Dog Training by Kikopup. (2009, April 30). How to train your dog not to bark- episode 1 - barking at noises. YouTube. Retrieved January 6, 2023, from
Behavioral Euthanasia and Quality of Life Decisions
Heinrich, A. and Calder, C.D. (2023). Behavioral Euthanasia and Quality of Life Decisions. Cattle Dog Publishing on Veterinary Information Network. Retrieved March 2, 2023, from
Pet Owners’ Views of Pet Behavior Problems and Willingness to Consult Experts for Advice
Shore, E.R. and Burdsal, C. Pet owners’ views of pet behavior problems and willingness to consult experts for advice. problem behavior intervention
Owner Reports on the Use of Muzzles and Their Effects on Dogs: An Online Survey
Arhant, C., Schmied-Wagner, C., Aigner, U., Affenzeller, N. (2020). Owner reports on the use of muzzles and their effects on dogs: an online survey. problem behavior intervention
Muzzle Up! Resources: Video Training Series on Youtube, Guides and Images, and Websites
Muzzle Up! Resources: Video Training Series on Youtube, Guides and Images, and Websites. The Muzzle Up! Project. problem behavior intervention
Is Your Puppy a Shark in Dogs’ Clothing?
Blumenfeld, H. Is your puppy a shark in dogs' clothing? Dog Adventures Northwest. problem behavior intervention
Why Would a Puppy Need to See a Veterinary Behaviorist?
Bergman, L. Why would a puppy need to see a veterinary behaviorist? VeterinaryPartner. behavior intervention problem
Applications for Shelter & Rescue
Improving In-Kennel Presentation of Shelter Dogs Through Response-Dependent and Response-Independent Treat Delivery
Protopopova, A. and Wynne, C.D.L. Improving in-kennel presentation of shelter dogs through response-dependent and response-independent treat delivery. Environmental Management Noise
Problems and Management
Center for Shelter Dogs. (n.d.). Problems and Management. Tufts University: Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine. Retrieved June 21, 2023, from
Shy Dog Adopter’s Guide
Velez, M. (n.d.). Shy Dog Adopter’s Guide. Shelter Playgroup Alliance. Retrieved June 24, 2023 from
Behavioral Rehabilitation of Extremely Fearful Dogs: Report on the Efficacy of a Treatment Protocol
Collins, K., Miller, K., Zverina, L., Patterson-Kane, E., Cussen, V., & Reid, P. (2022, June 30). Behavioral rehabilitation of extremely fearful dogs: Report on the efficacy of a treatment protocol . Applied Animal Behaviour Science - Elsevier. Retrieved January 2, 2023, from
The Effects of Exercise and Calm Interactions on In-Kennel Behavior of Shelter Dogs
Protopopova, A., Hauser, H., Goldman, K.J., Wynne, C.D.L., (2018). The effects of exercise and calm interactions on in-kennel behavior of shelter dogs. Behavioural Processes, 146, 54-60.
Reducing Dog Relinquishment to Rescue Centres Due to Behaviour Problems: Identifying Cases to Target with an Advice Intervention at the Point of Relinquishment Request
Powdrill-Wells, N., Taylor, S., and Melfi, V. Reducing Dog Relinquishment to Rescue Centres Due to Behaviour Problems: Identifying Cases to Target with an Advice Intervention at the Point of Relinquishment Request. Problem Behavior Intervention