1. Environmental Management & Monitoring
Safe, clean housing is important for dog health and welfare. It also promotes comfort, an important component of dog well-being.
2. Kennel Design with Welfare Considerations
Kennel environments that take canine behavior and welfare into consideration benefits both dogs and caretakers.
3. Environmental Enrichment
Enrichment is changing an animal’s environment to promote behavioral and physical health. The goals of an enrichment plan are to reduce stress and support normal dog behaviors.
4. Retiring & Rehoming
Environmental concerns for retiring and rehoming.

An animal has good welfare if they are healthy, comfortable, and well-fed. Animals with good welfare show natural behaviors and do not experience pain, fear, or distress.
Broom, D.M. (2007). Welfare in relation to feelings, stress and health. REDVET, 8, 1695-1704/

Mellor, D.J. and Stafford, K.J. (2001). Integrating practical, regulatory and ethical strategies for enhancing farm animal welfare. Australian Veterinary Journal, 79, 762 – 768.
The “ENVIRONMENT” module of the Canine Welfare Science Curriculum includes three main categories: Environmental Management and Monitoring, Kennel Design with Welfare Considerations, and Retirement and Re-homing. Libraries for each have been carefully curated from a variety of sources to translate the current science and assist caretakers to positively impact the welfare of dogs in their care. Together, with knowledge and effort, we can improve the welfare of dogs.