Does Long-term Tethering of Dogs Negatively Impact Their Well-being? – CRONEY RESEARCH GROUP

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Veterinary care, appropriate housing, adequate food and water supply, and a safe environment are all crucial for maintaining a dog’s health and overall welfare. Considering an animal’s behavioral needs is also extremely important. Behavioral needs come from internal motivations, and welfare is threatened if animals are prevented from engaging in behaviors they are strongly motivated to perform for a long period of time (Friend, 1989).
Examples of behavioral needs in dogs are exercising and experiencing social interactions with each other. Housing environments and management practices that involve long-term restriction of animal behaviors have come under scrutiny and raised concerns about animal welfare. The use of tethering as a practice to contain or restrict dog movement has become increasingly controversial for these reasons. Tethering involves securing an animal to a stationary object with a line that can vary in material and length. The animal can be secured for varying periods of time, with or without supervision.

Romaniuk A, Flint H, Croney C. (2020, January). Does long-term tethering of dogs negatively impact their well-being? Retrieved March 26, 2021, from


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Topic(s): Breeder Resource, Designs that Support Good Welfare, Environment, How Play Yards Impact Welfare, Kennel Design, Play Yards