An Epidemiological Study of Interdigital Cysts in a Research Beagle Colony

Interdigital cysts are chronic inflammatory lesions that can be found in dogs. In order to better understand their etiology, we completed a retrospective analysis of epidemiologic factors by using the clinical records from 743 research Beagles at our research site. Factors examined included age, gender, weight, body condition score, location of the cyst, and type of cage flooring. Statistical analysis revealed that age, body condition score, and type of flooring were all significant factors in the occurrence of interdigital cysts. The epidemiological evidence supports the hypothesis that interdigital dermatitis is the inciting cause of interdigital cysts.
Kovacs, M.S., McKiernan, S., Potter, D.M., Chilappagari, S. (2005). An epidemiological study of interdigital cysts in a research beagle colony. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 44, 17-21.
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Topic(s): Environment, Flooring, Kennel Design, Research and Teaching