10 Dog-Friendly Landscaping Ideas for Your Backyard

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You might love your landscape, but it can’t love you back the way your dog does. When you’re thinking about dog-friendly landscaping ideas to protect your grass and plants, you should think about what will make your dog happy, too.  A dog-friendly yard should be two things: 1) a space where the lawn and garden are protected from dog-related damage, and 2) a space where your dog can have fun!

Ardoin, J. (2022, June 16). 10 dog-friendly landscaping ideas for your backyard – lawn care blog: Lawn love. Lawn Care Blog | Lawn Love. Retrieved June 23, 2022, from https://lawnlove.com/blog/dog-friendly-backyard-landscaping-ideas/

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Topic(s): Environment, Kennel Design, Pet Families, Play Yards