Environmental Management & Monitoring

Comfort is an important component of a dog’s well-being. Enclosures should meet the needs of a dog’s breed, age, health, and reproductive status.  

Design housing that:  

  • keeps dogs clean and dry  
  • protects dogs from the elements 
  • prevents injury or disease from outside animals 
  • is safe and clean 

Use flooring that: 

  • supports foot and leg health 
  • prepares dogs to use surfaces they will experience in future homes 
  • is easy to maintain and sanitize  

When designing kennels, consider: 

  • space needs for exercise and healthy behaviors 
  • temperature and humidity 
  • ventilation 

Well-designed environments help ensure good dog welfare.  Learn more about how to provide your dogs with a great kennel environment.  


Environmental Management & Monitoring Library

 Additional Resources to Support Dogs in Other Environments


Dogs living in shelter or rescue kennels face challenges specific to their living environments. Practical applications for their management and care may also differ. Additional resources for their caretakers, including those caring for dogs in home-based foster systems or rescue networks, are provided to support efforts to improve, maintain, and protect their welfare.



Dogs living in homes as family pets face challenges specific to their living environments. Practical applications for their management and care may also differ. Additional resources for their caretakers, support the human-animal bond, keep pets in their homes, and improve, maintain, and protect their welfare.


Research & Teaching

Dogs living in research or teaching kennels face challenges specific to their living environments. Practical applications for their management and care may also differ. Additional resources for their caretakers are provided to support efforts to improve, maintain, and protect their welfare.