Society for Theriogeneology and American College of Theriogeneologists. (n.d.). SFT/ACT Position statements – WELFARE OF BREEDING DOGS. Retrieved May 18, 2022, from
Animal science is focusing increasingly on the importance of animal-based measures for determining welfare states, and those measures that have been used with kennelled dogs are reviewed in this paper with particular focus on their validity and practicality
The Federation of Veterinarians of Europe , VIER PFOTEN / FOUR PAWS – European Policy Office, European Society of Veterinary Clinical Ethology (ESVCE), National Animal Welfare Inspection Service, The Netherlands, Croney, C., Baqueiro Espinosa, U., McEvoy, T., Pfaller, N., Jessop, M., Hilby, E., Tasker, L., & Mertin, I. (2020). Welfare in pet trade: Responsible dog breeding guidelines. Food Safety – European Commission. Retrieved January 2, 2023, from
A blog on the five domain model and its implications.
This paper aims to provide a state-of-the-art review and summary of the scattered and disperse research on dog positive-emotion assessment. The review notably details the current advancement in dog positive-emotion research, what approaches, measures, methods, and techniques have been implemented so far in emotion perception, processing, and response assessment.
This review outlines the latest in a succession of updates of the Five Domains Model, which, at each stage, incorporated contemporary verified scientific thinking of relevance to animal welfare assessment. The current update includes, within the structure of the Model, specific guidance on how to evaluate the negative and/or positive impacts of human behaviour on animal welfare.