Changes in Behaviour and Voluntary Physical Activity Exhibited by Sled Dogs Throughout Incremental Exercise Conditioning and Intermittent Rest Days – CRONEY RESEARCH GROUP

Scientific Journal Articles


It is important to understand how typical exercise regimens for sled dogs affect their behaviour. Furthermore, rest and recovery are an equally important part of a conditioning period. Understanding how behaviour and voluntary physical activity change throughout both exercise and rest periods may assist in optimising conditioning to maximise the exercise capacity of dogs, while keeping their well-being in mind. Sled dogs decreased their voluntary activity and locomotive behaviours as they progressed throughout their training but seem to demonstrate a recovery of the reduced voluntary activity when given two consecutive rest days. These findings could be used by mushers and working dog owners to improve the conditioning periods and overall wellbeing of their sled dogs.

Robinson, E., Thornton, E., Templeman, J.R., Croney, C., Niel, L. and Shoveller, A.K. (2021). Changes in Behaviour and Voluntary Physical Activity Exhibited by Sled Dogs throughout Incremental Exercise Conditioning and Intermittent Rest Days. Animals, 11(1), p.118.


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Topic(s): Breeder Resource, Exercise, Exercise - Safety & Welfare Considerations