Use of Beds by Laboratory Beagles
Döring, D., Backofen, I., Schmidt, J., Bauer, A., and Erhard, M.H. (2018). Use of beds by laboratory beagles.
Döring, D., Backofen, I., Schmidt, J., Bauer, A., and Erhard, M.H. (2018). Use of beds by laboratory beagles.
Desforges, Emma. 2021. “Challenges and Solutions Surrounding Environmental Enrichment for Dogs and Cats in a Scientific Environment” Animals 11, no. 10: 2980.
Spangenberg, E.M.F., Björklund, L., and Dahlborn, K. Outdoor housing of laboratory dogs: Effects on activity, behaviour and physiology. Environment, kennel design, welfare
Döring, D., Haberland, B.E., Ossig, A., Küchenhoff, H., Dobenecker, B., Hack, R., Schmidt, J., and Erhard, M. Behavior of laboratory beagles towards humans: Assessment in an encounter test and a simulation of experimental situations. problem behavior recognition
National Research Council, 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals: Eighth Edition. Environment, kennel design, welfare, research, laboratory
Döring, D., Haberland, B.E., Bauer, A., Dobenecker, B., Hack, R., Schmidt, J., and Erhard, M. Consistency in behavior: Evaluation of behavior tests in laboratory beagles. problem behavior recognition