Dental health, risks, and preventive care for dogs in commercial breeding kennels. Stella, J., & Croney, C. (2016, February). VA-12-W – Welfare Implications of Dental Health in Commercial Breeding Dogs. World Pet Association, Pet Food Institute
An overview of Brucella. Canis and how it impacts dog and human pet association, Pet Food Institute
Disposal of dogs retired from commercial breeding facilities presents a scientific and ethical problem. This pilot study aimed to develop criteria for identifying commercial breeding (CB) dogs likely to be at risk for problems during transitioning to rehoming, and to identify breeder practices associated with higher and lower risk. Stella J., Shreyer T., Ha J., Croney C. (2019). Improving canine welfare in commercial breeding (CB) operations: Evaluating rehoming candidates. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 104861. Stanton Foundation