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Amaya, V., Descovich, K., Paterson, M. B.A., & Phillips, C.J.C. ; Effects of music pitch and tempo on the behaviour of kennelled dogs; enrichment;welfare
Simonet, P., Versteeg, D., and Storie, D. Dog Laughter: recorded playback reduces stress related aggression in shelter dogs, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Environmental Enrichment, Wildlife Conservation Society Environmental Management Noise
Sales, G., Hubrecht, R., Peyvandi, A., Milligan, S., and Shield, B. Noise in dog kennelling: Is barking a welfare problem for dogs? Environmental Management noise
Protopopova, A. and Wynne, C.D.L. Improving in-kennel presentation of shelter dogs through response-dependent and response-independent treat delivery. Environmental Management Noise
Mertens, P.A. and Unshelm, J. Effects of group and individual housing on the behavior of kennelled dogs in animal shelters. Environment Management Noise