Filter by Category: Problem Abnormal Behavior

Changing fearful behavior in dogs – Croney Research Group

Changing fearful behavior often requires specific techniques, which are different from “training.” We use desensitization and counterconditioning (ds/cc) when a dog is uncomfortable with something. Over time, ds/cc changes how they feel AND changes their behavior!...

How to find a behavior expert: Croney Research Group

You may need help with basic training or for a more serious dog behavior concern. Regardless, you want to work with a qualified professional who uses humane, evidence-based methods. If you are experiencing a problematic behavior with your dog, the first step is a...

What is Positive Reinforcement? – Croney Research Group

Positive reinforcement is a training method where you acknowledge and reward good behaviors. Simply put, it means giving your dogs something they want when they do something you like! Positive reinforcement training is recommended by behavior experts because it is...