Fit Facts on Exercise and Dogs
ASPCA Pet Insurance. (2016). Fit facts on exercise and dogs
ASPCA Pet Insurance. (2016). Fit facts on exercise and dogs
Tiira, K. and Lohi, H. (2015). Early life experiences and exercise associate with canine anxieties.
Menor-Campos, D.J., Molleda-Carbonell, J.M., and López-Rodriguez, R. (2011). Effects of exercise and human contact on animal welfare in a dog shelter.
Protopopova, A., Hauser, H., Goldman, K.J., Wynne, C.D.L., (2018). The effects of exercise and calm interactions on in-kennel behavior of shelter dogs. Behavioural Processes, 146, 54-60.
Coppinger, R., Zuccotti, J.(1999). Kennel enrichment: exercise and socialization of dogs. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 2(4), 281-96. doi: 10.1207/s15327604jaws0204_3. PMID: 16363933.
Kiddie, J., & Collins, L. Identifying environmental and management factors that may be associated with the quality of life of kennelled dogs (canis familiaris) enrichment quality of life assessment tool (described elsewhere) to identify environmental and management factors that may affect quality of life in dogs kennelled in rehoming centres.